An organic garden requires your most astute and attentive care to thrive. However, it is possible to be smart about your organic gardening. Following organic gardening practices will result in tastier fruits and vegetables, as well as happier plants. Follow this advice and your organic garden will soon be flourishing above the rest!
If you want to start a small organic garden indoors, evaluate the amount of natural light that is present. The amount of light available can determine which type of organic plants you should grow. For example, if your living area does not provide much natural sunlight, you could grow those plants that only need low to medium amounts of natural light to thrive. If you simply must have a plant that has higher requirements for sunlight, you can use indoor UV lamps.
Working in the garden doesn’t have to be grueling; learn to work more efficiently. Do not spend half an hour looking everywhere for a tool. Before you make a trip to your garden, you should gather all tools and items in advance. Afterwards, be sure to return them to their original storage place. It may be necessary to don a tool belt or cargo pants with extra pockets.
Looking for a natural way to kill weeds in your garden? You will need many layers of newspapers. Weeds can’t grow without sunlight. The layers of newspaper over the weeds will block out the light and kill them. Newspapers break down over time, and they make a great addition to compost. In order to improve its attractiveness, add one mulch layer.
A useful technique for organic gardening, is to gently disturb your seedlings by using your fingers or a piece of cardboard one or two times daily. While this appears strange, research shows it can help plants grow larger, versus not petting them at all.
You should use wood that is untreated, brick or stone when building the raised bed. Choose a wood that is resistant to rot and does not contain any chemicals. Cypress, locust and cedar usually work best. If you use treated wood in your vegetable garden, the chemicals in the wood can make their way into the soil, and in turn, to your crops. If you have built a bed with treated lumber already, use a barrier such as plastic to line the bed.
Organic gardening is harder than relying on chemicals, but the results are worth it. Growing your crops organically will offer the best reward for those who eat the foods.
Regulate the amount and timing of watering, to the specific climate and its seasonal variations. The amount of water a plant needs depends on the soil type, time of day and the water’s quality. In some cases, you can’t water because of climate issues. You can’t water the leave of your plants during humid, warm weather–it’ll promote the growth of leaf fungus. Water the roots with care.
Adding a lot of mulch to your garden is a great tip to implement in order to keep your garden healthy. Mulch will protect and nourish the soil. The soil will stay cool in high heat, preventing damage to the roots. By reducing the evaporation rate of your soil, you will not need to water as often. This can also help control any weeds.
Having an organic garden means that you can enjoy fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables whenever you want. It requires a good work ethic, but an organic garden is indeed worth the effort.